Whether it's corporate or personal donations, volunteers, or donating of food, equipment, vehicles or locations, every gift is instrumental in the success of our filmmaking process. No matter the size of the gift, it makes a difference and we cannot express our gratitude enough.

Thank you to these businesses who donated meals, locations, equipment or services to make our productions a success
George Blobe & ORE Rentals
Elek Plumbing
The Alliance Club
Northampton Diner
Homestead Builders
Carl's Corner
Donegal Square
Bethlehem Area School District
The Flying Egg
Dickey's BBQ
Local Mama Catering
Jersey Mikes of Easton
Shangri-La Productions
Art Café
Judy Malory Catering
Connie & Jeff Ashenfalder
Borderline Diner of Bethlehem
Texas Roadhouse
Alice & John Freeh
Bibis Tiffin Indian Street Food
Cathy's Catering
Boyle Construction
Linda Scherer
Kevin & Sheryl Rodes
Halo Branded Solutions
Sam Yoder, Primerica
Palermo's Pizza
Paragon Catering
Chocolate Lab
Black Rivers Farm
Place designs by Scott Rothenberger
Fiamma Italian Restaurant
Bethlehem Dairy Store
Traditions of Hanover
The Wersheiser Family
Seth & Company Coffee
Azar's of Bethlehem
Bonnie 7 David Hapstack
Dr. Loftus & Easton Orthodontics
Keystone Snacks of Easton
The Resturant Store
St. John's Church of Hamburg
Linden Beverage
Dieruff High School Football
Carrie Yocum
Linda Snyder
Journey Home Real Estate
Tom Smith
Simply Smooth Catering
Wise Guys Beverage
Balloons by Paulette
Bethlehem Catholic High School
Freedom High School
Lafayette College
Lehigh University
Dick's Sporting Goods
Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms
Rich McGinnis, Corporate Images
Doug Kemmerer, Cool Breeze Auto
MS TechZ of Bath
MaryAnn Tice
The Bostian Family
The Murdock Family
The Werkheiser Family
The DeRose Family
Cecelia Ruppell
Sisters of St. Joseph
Just Born
John & June Lamana
Sister Margaret Edmund
Abundant Graces
Personal Security Services
If you donated food, equipment or a location and we did not recognize you, it was an oversight. Please reach out to us so we can add your name and say "thank you"!
Thank you to all our personal donors who support our mission of creating faithful, family entertainment
The Ardoline Family
The Dundon Family
The Clausnitzer Family
Lore McFadden
The Brown Family
Linda Shay Gardner
Richard C. Thompson
Richard Dee II
Dr. Amy Miller Cohen
James & Denise Odgen
Susan Heffentrager
Charles & Cheryl Saul
Michael & Lynn Albarell
Michael Millo & Daniel Torres
Anita & Roger Wilson
John. T. Roebuck
Vanessa LaPorta
Dennis Garrett
Dr. Diane Begany
Dr. Jeff Berman
David & Maria LaMonica
David Alspach
Liza Testa
Kathy Patterson
Rose Ebel
Craig Sachse
Linda Carraghan
Mark & Karla Jensen
Marsha Bennett
Robert D. Bradley
Pat & Mike Conigliaro
Debbie Spadaccia
Linda M. Finken
Anthony Balistere
The Root Family
Christopher Boylan
Megan Ochotorena
Claire Puglise
Andrea Lycette
Brian Kallenberg
Peter Bilotta
Lisa Bengtson
Vince and Gena Tallarico
Debbie “Queenie” Herrlinger
Kenneth J Sylvester
Bob & Farzi Conigliaro
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Vince and Gena Tallarico
Harvey & Kathleen Lengel
Joe Tibensky
Stephanie Zimbalist
Edward "Jake" Defort
Tatiana Kelly
Tom Belleman
Nanette & Craig Fenton
Brittany & Miles Bourland
Dennis & Heather Smirnoff
Diana Tice
Tom & Lisa Conigliaro
Jane Armstrong
Felicia White
Donnamarie Davis
Ian David Reed
Faust Ruggiero
Donna M. Chromiak
Jackie Zajac
Stephanie Stevens
Lehigh Valley Community Foundation
Ablepay Health, LLC
Devon L. Frey
Jason Sizemore & William Sanders
Susan Williams
Mary Ellen Reznick-Pipina
Erin MacLean
Judith Parlow
Bryan Lobach
Joanne DeFalcis
Becky Cline
Tony Chandler
Chris Naples
Dr. Wendy Barron
Margaret Rouzzo
Linda Henning
Justin Rhen
Charlotte Buckenmyer
Kevin Hagen
Mark & Donna Boyer
Dennis Kramer
Joanna Pekarik
James & Beth Flanagan
Jamie & Ken Mayeaux
Michael Stoholski
Kristi Hammond
Jeff Farmer
John Mitchell
William George
Erica Shorb
Erin Alulis
Lisa Arechiga
Faith in Families Foundation
US Charitable Gift Trust
Bethlehem Gallery of Floors
Colleen Zajacik
Brian & Harri O'Kelley
Zions Stone UCC Church
James T. Vance
American Fence & Flag
Morganelli Properties, LLC
Jennelle & Michael Jordan
Connie L. Cecala
Anthony Pristash
Stephen & Joan Pristash
Ronald & Cheryl Kabana
George & Linda Nabb
John & Kristen Brown
Church of the Assumption BVM
Zen Data
Linda Sherer
Marcia & Peter D'Ambrosio
Robert J. Hagan
Rae Drabick
Deborah Toth
Susan Seeley
Richard & Allison Hahn
Elissa & Raymond Clausnitzer
Anthony & Mary Martocci
Stephen Balshi
Mick & Cheryl Trombley
Kenneth & Kathleen Sylvester
Nick Bialis
John Petruzzelli
Carla Thew
Mark & Jennifer Napierkowski
Nancy Run Industrial Center
Jay & Renee Piercy
Robin Metzler
The Maddigan Family
Neil F. Hever
Elizabeth Eichler
Carla Stock
Dan Crowley
The Kallergis Family
Lou Hershman
Elissa Piszel
Nina Rao
Brian Finn
Barbara Jo Gorman
Jeffrey Burr
If you donated and don't see your name, please reach out to us so we can add your name and say "thank you"!